Diet Myths: Food Facts vs. Fiction

The world of nutrition is buzzing with information, and amidst the noise, it’s easy to get tangled in the web of misleading diet myths. These misconceptions can hinder our journey towards optimal health and leave us feeling confused and frustrated. So, let’s take a stand against the misinformation and untangle the truth from the fiction! […]

5 Key Elements of BMR and BMI Calculations: Unlocking Vital Metrics

5 Key Elements of BMR and BMI Calculations: Unlocking Vital Metrics

Knowing your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Body Mass Index (BMI) is really important for understanding and taking care of your health. These calculations provide valuable insights that help you make smart decisions about your well-being. Let’s break down 5 key points that simplify the process of figuring out your BMR and BMI. BMR: The […]

Controlling Sugar: 10 Tips to Lower Your Daily Intake

Sugar Control

Sugar, while tasty, can sneak into our diets and affect our health. Here’s a detailed guide with easy steps to help you cut down on sugar: Decode Labels: When you read food labels, pay attention to the “sugars” section. Look for various names that signal added sugars, like sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, or words ending […]

2024’s Health Trends in Nutrition: Your Healthy Innovative Journey


As we enter 2024, significant changes are underway in the world of health and nutrition, driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and a greater emphasis on overall well-being. This blog explores the upcoming health trends shaping nutrition and how Healthylicious adapts to these changes, prioritizing optimal health and wellness. Holistic Wellness Focus: In 2024, […]

Festive Feasts Cravings: Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays!

Christmas Cravings Control

In recent years, the gluten-free diet has surged in popularity, becoming a dominant trend among health-conscious individuals. While some embrace it for health reasons, others follow it as a lifestyle choice or due to perceived health benefits. However, like any dietary trend, the gluten-free diet presents both advantages and considerations that warrant exploration. The Rise […]

The Gluten-Free Diet Trend: Advantages & Considerations

In recent years, the gluten-free diet has surged in popularity, becoming a dominant trend among health-conscious individuals. While some embrace it for health reasons, others follow it as a lifestyle choice or due to perceived health benefits. However, like any dietary trend, the gluten-free diet presents both advantages and considerations that warrant exploration. The Rise […]

Eating Well, Living Well: How Sustainable Nutrition Boosts Your Health

In an era where what we eat profoundly impacts not just our own well-being but also the health of the planet, the spotlight has shifted to sustainable nutrition. This increasing concept extends far beyond mere dietary choices; it’s a conscious lifestyle shift that embraces eco-friendly diets and emphasizes the intimate connection between our plates and […]

Office Wellness: 7 Hacks for Active Energy and Healthy Eating

For full-time employees immersed in the demands of the corporate world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge. Long hours at the desk, tight deadlines, and the ever-present temptation of office snacks can take a toll on well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore seven key tips on how to stay active during the day […]

Balancing Calorie Counting and Depression: Fine Line Between Health and Mental Well-being

Counting calories has long been a popular approach to managing one’s weight and promoting overall health. While it can be an effective tool for weight management, it’s essential to understand the potential impact of calorie counting on mental health, particularly in the context of depression. The Connection Between Counting Calories and Depression: Obsessive Behavior: For […]

What Is Intermittent Fasting, and Does It Help With Weight Loss?


What Is Intermittent Fasting, and Does It Help With Weight Loss? Intermittent fasting has been a buzzy way to lose weight for years, with devotees swearing that eating during a certain window of time has helped them reach their goals and keep excess weight off. But Matheny points out that intermittent fasting is often easier […]

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